Course curriculum

    1. Who is your LinkedIn for?

    2. Favourite Client Avatar

    3. Check your Starting Position

    1. Profile Picture

    2. Headline

    3. Free Advertising Space

    4. Claim your Personalised URL

    5. Contact Information

    6. About Section

    7. Featured Section

    8. Building your Credibility

    9. Social Proof

    10. Linking your Experience

    11. Get Visible

    12. Image Cheat Sheet

    13. LinkedIn Profile Checklist

    1. Get Personal

    2. The Party on LinkedIn

    3. The Algorithm

    1. Connecting your Outlook to LinkedIn

    2. Connection Clean Out

    3. LinkedIn Connection Etiquette

    1. How to post content on LinkedIn

    2. Hashtags

    3. LinkedIn Articles

    4. Short form posts

    5. Documents (carousels)

    6. Video

    7. Stories

About this course

  • $195.00
  • 29 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content